
currentdb.execute sql$



▼仕様例 runsql sql$

''' SQLの簡易実行
Public Function runSql(ByVal sql As String, ParamArray parray()) As Long
'   objLog.Debg "runSql" & sql
    Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command: Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
    With cmd
        .ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
        .CommandText = sql
        .Prepared = True
        If UCase(Left(sql + Space(2), 2)) = "Q_" Then
            .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
        End If
        Dim val
        For Each val In parray
            AddCmdParam cmd, val    'パラメタ設定
        .Execute (runSql)
    End With

End Function

''' パラメタ設定
Public Sub AddCmdParam(cmd As ADODB.Command, val, Optional dTYPE As ADODB.DataTypeEnum = 0, Optional dsize As Long = 0, Optional pType As ADODB.ParameterDirectionEnum = adParamInput)
On Error GoTo LBL_999
    Dim param As ADODB.Parameter
    Dim myDtype As ADODB.DataTypeEnum
    If dTYPE = 0 Then
        Select Case VarType(val)
            Case vbInteger, vbLong
                myDtype = adInteger
            Case vbSingle, vbDouble
                myDtype = adDouble
            Case vbDate
                myDtype = adDBTimeStamp
            Case vbCurrency
                myDtype = adCurrency
            Case vbNull
                myDtype = adEmpty
            Case Else
                myDtype = adVarWChar
        End Select
        myDtype = dTYPE
    End If
    If dsize = 0 Then
        Select Case myDtype
            Case adVarWChar
                Dim vLen As Long: vLen = Len(val)
                If vLen = 0 Then
                    vLen = 1
                End If
                Set param = cmd.CreateParameter(, myDtype, pType, vLen, val)
            Case adDBTimeStamp
                Set param = cmd.CreateParameter(, myDtype, pType, , CDate(val))
            Case adEmpty
                Set param = cmd.CreateParameter(, myDtype, pType, , Null)
            Case Else
                Set param = cmd.CreateParameter(, myDtype, pType, , val)
        End Select
        Set param = cmd.CreateParameter(, myDtype, pType, dsize, val)
    End If
    cmd.Parameters.Append param
    Exit Sub
'    MsgBox Error(ERR)
    Debug.Print "AddCmdParam", (Err.Description)
    objLog.Error (Err.Description)
End Sub

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